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HomeNewsBeing Productive By Cutting Out The Unnecessary

Being Productive By Cutting Out The Unnecessary

Being Productive By Cutting Out The Unnecessary
Being Productive By Cutting Out The Unnecessary

We are living in an extremely productive time. No longer do we need to beat around the bush to get stuff done. This spans across almost everything – from work to personal life and all the way back again. Machines do everything apart from think for us, and in some instances they even stretch that far. So why aren’t we using this to our advantage in the business world?

Cut Out The Need For Face-to-Face

Whether you are a freelancer working alone or operating a business, verifying the identity of who you are dealing with can be tricky business. Alarm bells can ring at the smallest of things – from a customer being unwilling to provide formal ID to those who say that they don’t have any and never have done. However, in some cases, this can ring true – most consumers nowadays are becoming increasingly irate with having to prove who they are, and it’s not for fraudulent reasons.

It’s more so the fact that they are constantly having to do it. An easy solution is that you can now scan ID documents to verify customers’ identities – it’s something that a lot of industries such as banks and betting sites are now having to do due to a) the influx of new users to their websites and b) an initial loss of customer base.

People don’t like faffing. They don’t like having to get up from where they’re sat to go out and prove who they are. Stuff needs to happen now at the very least, yesterday as a preference – we don’t like to wait anymore. So cut out what is making everybody grumble and make it simpler for both them and you.

Reach Further With Less Less is more. We’re constantly told this, and it’s one of the fundamentals of advertising. Our customers like stuff simplified - the brain processes it quicker, we’re able to understand it more and, generally speaking, it just looks nicer. So why are we still insisting on clogging up our websites, blogs and feeds with links to sites which aren’t worth the click? There are seven main social media platforms that we should be looking to reach. We want our consumer base to grow with virality; we are desperate for the shares and the likes. Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are, in reality, all that you need to get stuff going. These are the most commonly used of the platforms and the ones that will see your content going viral - if it’s good and relevant. Don’t try linking to every single platform that you can think of. There are some where it will take off, and some where it won’t. It’s very much trial and error, but as long as you are certain of your content and learn about the basics of what the users of each site are looking for, you’ll be onto a winner. Look For The Passive ...not the active. If there is something online which can do the job for you, let it do it. There are so many free apps that we are not taking advantage of. For example, instead of proofreading something yourself, you can get the Grammarly app to do it for you. We have advanced so much that we needn’t rely on ourselves anymore. At least not for the easy stuff.
Reach Further With Less

Reach Further With Less

Less is more. We’re constantly told this, and it’s one of the fundamentals of advertising Our customers like stuff simplified – the brain processes it quicker, we’re able to understand it more and, generally speaking, it just looks nicer. So why are we still insisting on clogging up our websites, blogs and feeds with links to sites which aren’t worth the click?

There are seven main social media platforms that we should be looking to reach. We want our consumer base to grow with virality; we are desperate for the shares and the likes. Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook are, in reality, all that you need to get stuff going. These are the most commonly used of the platforms and the ones that will see your content going viral – if it’s good and relevant.

Don’t try linking to every single platform that you can think of. There are some where it will take off, and some where it won’t. It’s very much trial and error, but as long as you are certain of your content and learn about the basics of what the users of each site are looking for, you’ll be onto a winner.

Look For The Passive

…not the active. If there is something online which can do the job for you, let it do it. There are so many free apps that we are not taking advantage of. For example, instead of proofreading something yourself, you can get the Grammarly app to do it for you. We have advanced so much that we needn’t rely on ourselves anymore. At least not for the easy stuff.

Maria Fonseca
Maria Fonseca is the Editor and Infographic Artist for IntelligentHQ. She is also a thought leader writing about social innovation, sharing economy, social business, and the commons. Aside her work for IntelligentHQ, Maria Fonseca is a visual artist and filmmaker that has exhibited widely in international events such as Manifesta 5, Sao Paulo Biennial, Photo Espana, Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Joshibi University and many others. She concluded her PhD on essayistic filmmaking , taken at University of Westminster in London and is preparing her post doc that will explore the links between creativity and the sharing economy.

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