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HomeBusiness Resources8 Guide: How to create a perfect intro videos for Business

8 Guide: How to create a perfect intro videos for Business

Intro videos are basically short videos where people introduce themselves or their brands and brand image and mission to the target audiences. Such videos can help brands stand out from their competitors and gain favorability among the audiences because you are speaking to them personally.

Introductory videos ensure that people will keep your brand in mind because they are simply in love with the faces behind brands. The main objective of an introductory video is to help brands connect with their target audience on a more personal level.

You can create the best intro video from scratch on your own or use templates from different intro-making tools for the same. Regardless of how you chose to make the intro video, here are some best practices you must follow for the best results:

1. Make Sure to Have a Purpose or Goal

Creating a video merely to have it for your business is no use. What’s the point in creating an introductory video if it’s boring and offers no value at all? People will not like watching it anyways.

Your intro video needs to have a purpose or goal. What are you looking to communicate through the video? What do you want the introduction video to do for you? Your intro video can have varied goals, which include:

  • Showcasing the talent of your team
  • Introducing the target audience to the company and providing information about its services.
  • Identifying the way a product is made
  • Showcasing the features of a product and showing the way it works.

The majority of the intro visuals have the target goal of education, persuasion, and awareness. It is one way for brands to explain their organization beyond textual matter.

2. Get Right Into the Details

Intro videos give audiences the scope of experiencing a brand better and understanding if it can truly help them solve their pain points and achieve their goals. This is that part of the brand video where the audiences get a sense of the brand image and even start building an image of the spirit and culture of a business.

So, it should be the perfect medium for talking more about your business, its inception, and how long you have been operating in the market.

3. Edit the Intro Video to Make It Look Professional

As per the survey, the audiences determine whether they must watch a video or not based on two important things: the length of the video and its specifications or features. So, if you are looking to maximize the influence of your introductory video, make sure to edit it perfectly.

In the very first place, once the recording part is complete, try to edit it in a way, so it remains short and simple. If you really want your video to capture the attention of the audience and maintain the same, make sure it is not more than two to three minutes in length.

Intro makers can help you figure out the components required to make your video more professional. These tools provide pre-made templates, images, GIFs, clips, and other elements to make your content relevant and adept. Focus on the purpose and keep it simple for a professional approach.

4. Share Inspirations

Sharing everything you do as a brand and why you do it can go a long way in building reliability among the target audiences watching your intro video. Try talking about everything you do as a brand and how it ties into your experience and work culture.

Try to be as genuine and candid as possible. Faking things that you do not do as a brand will not work. Be honest and explain everything you do. This will help the viewers in collecting and relating with you better.

And yes, this form of introductory videos can easily be put up on different social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

5. Try Humanizing Your Brand

The present pandemic has made it very difficult for people to find human connections or work with other individuals. Luckily, a good introduction video can make this whole procedure simple and easier.

Intro videos are one of the best ways of humanizing a brand, showing personality, and sharing what it is really like working with your brand. There are many easy ways of highlighting your brand personality, and these include:

  • Using b-roll of the office or showing off office space.
  • Showing candid shots of the team at work
  • Including voice-overs and face-to-face interviews.

Be authentic, be you! You have the freedom of being a bit quirky. But making sure to show off your company’s personality makes it easier for the audiences to relate to and connect with your brand.

6. End the Video with a Good Call to Action

You might have created the best intro video ever, but it will be useless if it does not tell the visitor what action to take next. Do not leave them hanging between what to do and what not to do.

Remember the first point about how important it is for your video to have a goal? That’s exactly what CTA means. Do you want the audience to subscribe to your vlog, request a consultation or quote, or want them to make some donations?

7. Get the Sound Right

It is always very important to consider music for narrating your brand’s story in an intro video. Music plays an important role because it adds an emotional element to the story and talks a lot about your brand.

8. Do Not Compromise on Quality

Your intro video is your way of introducing your brand on your site and even on social media platforms. So, give it a second thought as far as the quality of the video is concerned. People do not like poor-quality videos, and they quickly turn down brands with such videos.

Avoid any noise or feedback when recording the intro video; pay attention to the right kind of lighting; keep the camera steady with a tripod, and make sure everyone in the video looks their best if you want to add high quality to your video.


Time for some introduction! Well, that’s what gets you covered on making the perfect intro video. Remember, your video doesn’t need to be high-budget content to be effective. Just make a simple visual that works with almost any smartphone available these days.


Hernaldo Turrillo
Hernaldo Turrillo is a writer and author specialised in innovation, AI, DLT, SMEs, trading, investing and new trends in technology and business. He has been working for ztudium group since 2017. He is the editor of openbusinesscouncil.org, tradersdna.com, hedgethink.com, and writes regularly for intelligenthq.com, socialmediacouncil.eu. Hernaldo was born in Spain and finally settled in London, United Kingdom, after a few years of personal growth. Hernaldo finished his Journalism bachelor degree in the University of Seville, Spain, and began working as reporter in the newspaper, Europa Sur, writing about Politics and Society. He also worked as community manager and marketing advisor in Los Barrios, Spain. Innovation, technology, politics and economy are his main interests, with special focus on new trends and ethical projects. He enjoys finding himself getting lost in words, explaining what he understands from the world and helping others. Besides a journalist, he is also a thinker and proactive in digital transformation strategies. Knowledge and ideas have no limits.

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